We’ve all faced situations where an unexpected letter from a company like PSP Fieldcall lands on our doormat. The immediate reactions? Panic and confusion. But let’s demystify Fieldcall together.
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If you’re reading this, it is most likely because you were contacted by PSP Fieldcall through a debt letter. So you might be wondering what exactly this company is and why they say I owe them.
Below, we will be clarifying all these questions along with answers to if you should pay them and how you should handle the situation.
Who is PSP Fieldcall?
PSP Fieldcall is a debt collection company in the UK that goes by multiple names but is mostly known as Fieldcall. They collect debt on behalf of other companies, and they charge them a commission for the service they provide. Their reputation is built on their consistent performance, ensuring those who owe money are approached with respect and integrity.
Fieldcall’s mission is to retrieve unpaid debts. But it’s more than just a robotic task for them. They’re deeply committed to ensuring they bridge the gap between businesses and those in debt, fostering understanding on both sides.
Fieldcall actively trains its personnel, ensuring they’re not only skilled at their jobs but compassionate in their approach. So if you’re contacted by them, it’s likely because you owe money to a company they’re working on behalf of.
If you’re on the receiving end of a letter or call from PSP Fieldcall, it’s vital to remember they’re professionals. Engaging with them could lead to a solution beneficial for both parties.
Who does PSP Fieldcall collect debt for?
Contrary to what one might think, Fieldcall doesn’t cater to just one type of business. Their client list is vast and includes:
- Utility providers
- Credit companies
- Telecommunications providers
- Finance companies
- Popular high-street retailers.
Some reports online suggest that Fieldcall Ltd has collaborated with companies like Hitachi. This means they’re trusted by major corporations to manage their debt recovery. So, if you owe money to a business, small or big, Fieldcall might be your point of contact.
Their adaptability is what sets PSP Fieldcall apart. No matter the size or nature of the business, they’re equipped to handle it.
Are PSP Fieldcall bailiffs?
While Fieldcall is persistent and dedicated, they’re not bailiffs. Their methods are assertive, yes, but they always operate within legal boundaries. They are only an administration-type business and don’t have any legal power to enforce debts that have been ordered by the court to pay.
They can’t just waltz into your home and seize assets. There are certain laws that they should follow.
If someone from Fieldcall Ltd ever implies they possess the powers of a bailiff, remember, they don’t. Challenging such claims is your right. If this happens, you can make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
If they come to your house to hand-deliver the debt letter, it might be to intimidate you into paying. But you’re not obligated to let them into your house.
Can Debt Collectors Like Fieldcall Come to Your House Without Notice?
Technically, PSP Fieldcall representatives can approach your home to discuss the debt you owe. But they can’t just barge in unless they are bailiffs with a warrant or writ of conduct in hand. These representatives require your explicit consent to enter your premises.
However, bailiffs can indeed access your property, but only after sending a notice of enforcement. It’s this thin line of distinction that can save you from unwarranted stress.
Have You Received a PSP Fieldcall Debt Letter?
If you owe money to a creditor and they hire a debt collector like Fieldcall to chase you, there’s a high chance you will receive a debt letter from them. This usually comes in the mail, or they will hand deliver it to you.
This is called a Letter Before Action (LBA). It is made to get you to pay before the issue escalates to legal action. But it cannot be guaranteed whether you will have to go to court if or not if you don’t pay. This depends on what the client/ original creditor wants to do and the amount you owe them.
Should You Pay a PSP Fieldcall Debt?
Ignoring a debt letter is akin to seeing a storm approaching and hoping it diverts. It won’t. But does that mean you should pay immediately? Not necessarily.
While ignoring the debt might lead to legal action, diving headfirst might not be your best move either. It’s crucial to verify the authenticity of the debt first. Once confirmed, consider negotiation. Maybe there’s a way to structure the repayment that’s easier on your pocket.
Check to See If Your Debt Is Collectable
Once you receive a debt letter, the first step you should take is to confirm if the debt is enforceable. In the UK, if a debt is 6 years old (5 years in Scotland). This is called a statute-barred debt. However, for a debt to be statute-barred, it should meet the following criteria:
- You have not made any payments in the last six years
- You have not admitted to owing the debt in the last six years
- You have not received a County Court Judgement (CCJ) for it
If your debt meets the above criteria, then it is statute-barred. This means that it is unenforceable, so no one goes to court against you for it.
But keep in mind a statute barred debt does not mean it does not exist. It does, but they cannot take you to court if you decide not to pay.
Also, since the debt still exists, it can affect your credit report. But if you wish, you can ask the client to write it off. So, before you make any payments, it is crucial that you check if your debt is statute-barred. In order to confirm this, you can reach out to a debt charity.
If you find out that the debt is indeed statute-barred, send a letter to inform Fieldcall that you won’t be paying because of it.
Ask PSP Fieldcall to Prove the Debt First!
If you find out that the debt is not statute-barred, you can ask Fieldcall to prove the debt. In order to do this, you can send them a Prove the Debt Letter.
Once you send the letter, they should reply to you with proof that you owe the debt. Proof they should send include the original agreement between you and your creditor or other documents that you may have signed.
If they fail to provide you with proof, you are not obligated to pay them. In a case where they take you to court, inform the judge that you sent them a Prove the Debt Letter, and they didn’t respond to it.
PSP Fieldcall Proved the Debt – Do I Pay?
Yes. If they prove the debt, you should pay the debt. But even if Fieldcall provides undeniable evidence, it’s not the end of the road. You always have the choice to negotiate. Be it settling for a lower amount or chalking out a feasible payment plan, there’s a path forward.
What If I Can’t Pay?
If you cannot pay, there are options available. You can request for a payment plan or take up a debt solution. There are many debt solutions available in the UK, and some even help you to write off a portion of your unaffordable debt.
Note that while choosing the right debt solution will help you to write off debt, the wrong one will be expensive and might even worsen your situation. So make sure to make the choice carefully. You can also consider reaching out to a debt charity for advice regarding this.
A few debt solutions available in the UK include:
How Can I Make a Complaint Against Fieldcall?
Even though you owe Fieldcall, don’t forget that you have rights. So if they break any rules, feel free to file a complaint.
First, make sure to directly complain to the company so that they can resolve the matter internally. But if you don’t receive a response from them, escalate the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
If they are found guilty, they might even have to pay a fine or compensate you. Note that having proof of Fieldcall breaking any rules will help to quicken the investigation process. So make sure to record everything such as letters, emails or phone calls.
Other Debt Collectors
Staying informed and checking your credit report for outstanding debt is crucial. A few steps you can take include:
- Check your credit report
- Check your post and email for overdue notices or reminders
- Check the court records for County Court Judgements (CCJs) against you
- Check your bank statements for the names of other debt collectors.
There are so many debt collection companies in the UK, and each of them works on behalf of other companies in order to chase debtors for outstanding debts. Most commonly, Cabot Financial collects debts for the DVLA. Whereas Lowell Financial and PRA Group buy debts from different credit card companies such as Barclaycard.
So note that understanding the modus operandi of each debt collector can be your game-changer. Whether it’s their methods or their reputation, being informed is your best defence.
Want Personalised Debt Support?
The weight of debt can be crushing. But there are many debt charities in the UK that you can reach out to for free advice. They offer advice and guidance based on your situation, shining a light on your unique situation and ensuring you have a companion in this challenging journey.
A few debt charities you can reach out to include:
- Citizens Advice
- StepChange
- National Debtline
Alternatively, feel free to fill out our online form, and our Money Advisor Team will guide you on the best course of action.
Key Points
- PSP Fieldcall is a prominent and reputable debt collection company in the UK, known for representing a vast range of businesses and ensuring debts are collected with professionalism.
- They serve a diverse range of clients, from utility service providers to credit companies, and have even been associated with large corporations.
- PSP Fieldcall is not a bailiff agency. While they are assertive, they lack the legal powers that bailiffs possess. This means they cannot seize properties or goods without explicit permission from a court.
- It’s common to feel overwhelmed if you receive a debt letter from Fieldcall Ltd. However, it’s essential to view this letter as a reminder and not an immediate threat.
- While it’s crucial not to ignore a Fieldcall debt letter, there’s no need to immediately pay off the debt without verification. Instead, a balanced approach of verification and negotiation is recommended.
- Before engaging with PSP Fieldcall or any debt collection agency, always verify if your debt is still valid or “statute barred” (meaning it can’t legally be collected).
- Always be prepared to challenge the debt. By sending Fieldcall Ltd a “prove-it” letter, you can ensure they have concrete evidence of the owed debt.
- If PSP Fieldcall proves the debt, it’s not the end. It’s advisable to negotiate the payment terms, whether that means settling for a lesser amount or establishing a feasible payment plan.
- While PSP Fieldcall is a significant figure in the debt collection realm, the UK houses several other agencies. Being informed about each can make a significant difference in how you handle debt-related situations.
- For those feeling overwhelmed with debt, many UK organisations, like Citizens Advice or National Debtline, offer tailored advice to help navigate the murky waters of debt management.